Exhibition stand design. What do you need to know when creating your stand?

Last Modified: October 22, 2015 | Posted by: Katie Callear

Exhibition stand design is an extremely multifaceted and a complex task, one which should only be attempted by professionals who fully understand exhibition marketing. Your stand should stop people in their tracks and grab their attention. And, no matter how good your business is, your exhibition presence won’t be a success if you don’t actually talk to anyone. So it pays to stand out from the crowd. That’s why, making your stand inviting is as important today as it has ever been.

Exhibition Stand Design Top Tips

  • Where appropriate, maximise your exhibition space by using colour, signage, and lights to draw attendees to you
  • Consider large graphic displays and ceiling hung graphics to help provide that elusive ‘wow’ factor
  • When it comes to wow-factor exhibition stand design, on-stand technology can help you to achieve this
  • Be aware that if your space is too cluttered visitors just won’t come in. As a result, when it comes to good design, the space you leave empty is just as important as the structures you include
  • Decide where you are going to place technology, screens, lighting, signage and products, ensuring these are strategically placed in order to advertise your business with maximum impact
  • Always ensure that you create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere when speaking to people at your stand. The way in which you communicate with your target customers is just as important as the exhibition stand design.

Maximising Space with Exhibition Stand Design

Unless you pay significant sums of money your exhibition stands can only occupy a small space. Therefore any design you choose needs to be dynamic to ensure that you can optimise the way in which your products and services are displayed. This is even more difficult if your business supplies multiple products or services as you will need to decide very early on which products you are going to include and why.

Apex creates and delivers award-winning modular and custom built exhibition stands that look fantastic and are created specifically around your objectives, whatever your budget.



Exhibition Stand Design from Apex

When attending a trade show or exhibition, your display stand is the most important tool you have to promote and raise awareness of your business.

It is the first thing that prospective customers will see so it needs to convey your company message clearly and concisely, and tell visitors about your business and what it specialises in within a few seconds.

A great deal of time, effort and resources need to go into attendance at an exhibition day or event as you are spending valuable time away from your business, so you need to ensure that the time you are spending is both worthwhile and ultimately achieves exactly what you require; to raise awareness of your company and secure new business.

If you are new to events it is important to develop clear and concise ideas about what your stand is about, the messages it is to convey and the products you would like to promote. If you are a retail outlet for example, you will not have the space to display all of your products, so you need to be selective and determine which product(s) you would like to exhibit; based on popularity, cost or something else.

Developing an Exhibition Stand Design Theme

The ideas phase needs to include the development of a theme.

The theme of your exhibition stand design should be uniform, closely reflecting your existing branding and marketing material where possible to ensure consistency and a brand people can recognise if the event is within their local area.

Space is really important. Always consult with the event organisers to determine the space you are allocated as it will be a very costly occasion if the stand designed won’t fit in the allocated space.

Planning is absolutely essential for a successful event and setting up the stand beforehand can save time and identify any issues. Viewing your stand once it has been designed and built will allow you to see whether everything looks as it should in the places decided before the actual event.

Developing Your Exhibition Stands

One of the things you will need to determine is whether or not to include technology within your display. This will of course be decided by the type of business that you operate.

Will your exhibition stands require visitors to browse your website, view a product DVD or operate an application integrated into the stand?

A common oversight that people often make with stand designs is the absence of correct lighting. This can have a significant impact on the way in which your products are displayed and can help create the required atmosphere. Identify whether lighting will be required to highlight certain products or whether you want to include spotlights, down lights or coloured lighting within your exhibition stand. Colour is also an important design element and you should take some time to select your colours carefully, ideally matching them with your existing corporate branding.

Perhaps the most important element of your stand is the way in which signage is used. You need to create signage which is clear and explains exactly what you do as a business. It is often advised to incorporate a few carefully selected words or slogans associated with your business rather than lots of signage. Don’t list features of products or benefits as people will very rarely stop and read the information. Short bursts of key information which will catch people’s attention in a few seconds is more effective.

At Apex we are professional exhibition stand designers who guarantee the delivery of top quality work. What’s more, as events management specialists, we fully understand what people look for when attending exhibitions.